Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The FINAL Final

The count down has begun folks!

I'm certain that each of you all have been counting down for your final exams of nursing school WELL before today... but since I've taken it already, I am not as on-top-of-my-game (hopefully) as you are. 

I remember my FINAL final was a thing dreams were made of- and I felt SO CLOSE to the finish line I could taste it! I am hoping to share some tips that I used to tackle this beast! 

First and most obviously- STUDY! I made a study schedule (YES, I'm that kind of OCD) for my last week of school to make sure that I covered each topic equally and I made time on the second to last day before the final so that I could review things I was still "if-y" on (or things I needed more time to memorize- like lab values, math, etc.) 

Second, I didn't listen to ANYONE about what they THOUGHT would be on the test.  Some how in nursing school rumors fly about what teachers may have mentioned this or that... blah blah blah... 90% of it, I GUARANTEE, is not true.  As my mom always used to tell me... "if it isn't from the horses mouth it probably isn't true." Talk to your horses- Ahem- I mean professors and get a feel for what they think is important.  

Third. I use acronyms like nobodies business to remember certain things- like All People Eat Taco Meat... know what that stands for? Your in sad shape if you don't! Yep! You guessed it (I knew you would!) It is an acronym for heart sound landmarks (Aortic, pulmonic, Erbs, Tricuspid, Mitral).

FINALLY- the day before the exam I did not study AT ALL! Cramming never worked for me and this gave me time to clear my thoughts and practice things from my memory. In fact, the day before my final exam I went to the spa to get my nails done- and today I did my own just to send you all good vibes! Ladies, treat yourself to something fancy.  Gentleman, play call of duty (or whatever it is boys do!) 

The night before make SURE that you get enough sleep... no one likes a grumpy test taker! 

The morning of, wake up earlier to make sure you have enough time to gobble down something delicioso for breakfast and still get there on time! The sound of bellies rumbling is not ideal for testing ambiance! 

All I can do is pass along these simple tips and hope that you do amazing! 

Make sure you let me know how it goes!!!! Good LUCK to all!!! 

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