Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Patience is a Virtue... I Have Yet to Master...

So I know you all have heard the saying "Patience is a virtue"- This is something I have yet to wrap my head around.  

Especially this past month I am EXTREMELY anxious and nervous.  If you saw me in public I would be dancing around like there were ants in my pants- and while its proven effective in the burning of calories, as a way of life, waiting ain't my thang.  

I have started applying for nursing jobs in the past few weeks and I have been HOPING and PRAYING that a certain one will pull through because I would be incredibly good at this particular job.  (I think a job that your heart is really invested in is super important to your job satisfaction!) 

While waiting to apply for these jobs I have been poking and prodding at my resume and have written exquisite cover letters that are quite impressive, if I do say so myself!

So for now-I'll be sitting here, researching for the job I HOPE comes through for me! 

Any tips on resume or cover letter writing? I think new graduates will find it helpful! Especially since the class that you learn all of that stuff in is a SNOOZE! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nurse Casey, thanks for sharing one of Scrubs Magazine's quotes with your readers in a previous post. Did you know that we have launched an online nursing school and hospital guide for nurses? It's like "Yelp" for nurses. Will you please contact me? kim (at) mindovermedia (dot) net Thanks!
