Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday = Fun-Day

Happy Sunday Fun-Day Everyone!! 

I hope you all have had a great weekend! 

I bet you all have been studying your bootays off! 

While studying IS important, it is also very important to cut out some "me time" and enjoy life every now and then.  My grandmother used to call it "stopping to smell the roses" :) 

What did you do recently that was tons-of-fun? 

This weekend was my husband's birthday.  We had a little get together and I made some treats for him.  


These are the "sushi" appetizers I made for our cook out this evening- They were a hit!

This is his Swedish Fish flavored cake.  Swedish Fish are his FAVE!! He was so excited! :) 

In my free time I love to unwind by doing some of my favorite things: baking/cooking, crocheting, and reading.... OH! And of course doing this blog ;) 

Here are some samples of my most recent projects:

I made this mommy owl cake for my cousin's work function.  She is a preschool teacher for an "owl" themed class 

I made these cake pops for my Gram 6 days before she passed away.  I wanted to make her birthday as special as possible and I knew she would get a kick out of cake lollipops! 


Here is my most recent crochet project.  I made this cupcake hat for my husband's sisters 1st birthday!  Everyone though it was a boob, so I guess it wasn't THAT great! I was proud regardless.
(They are obviously weird to let their kid wear a boob hat- tehehe)

I made this bear hat for my cousin's photography business (Virginia Moon Photography) to use during her newborn photo sessions. It made some adorable pictures!

AND of course my NAILS are always something I like to do... and THIS is what you get when you are extremely bored.  YES- That IS sperm rushing towards an egg painted on my nails!  Not my greatest work of art- but they are still pretty fun!!


I hope you all have some hobbies that you like to keep busy with! While, most of the time, I like to relate my hobbies (like reading) to nursing- sometimes you just need to step back and enjoy living your life! 

What do you do to enjoy yourself? It is very important to your HEALTH to make time for yourselves. I know I don't have to tell you that- you're NURSES! 

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