Sunday, April 21, 2013


It's almost that time....

Graduation time, of course! With graduation comes a surge of emotions for nurses across the board.  When I graduated I felt this amazing sense of accomplishment and pride.  All was well.

After graduation was a WHOLE other story. 

At first, I felt a bit of disbelief knowing that my former professors would now be considered my colleagues in the nursing field- I felt all grown up!!! 

The next thing I remembered I was in a panic wondering if I had learned everything that I wanted to learn or NEEDED to learn to do my future job effectively.  I felt as if there was a whole world of nursing out there that I had NO idea about.  After a while I found some resources that really helped me feel as though I could assimilate into my new profession well.  

One of the greatest resources I have found is The Nurse's Guide to Hospitals.  Here you can read about the best places to work as they have been reviewed by the current employees- Nurses like you! Scrubs Magazine has made this hospital resource guide as well as  The Nurse’s Guide to Nursing Schools for those who decide they want to continue their education! Very informative resources.  

In addition to these online resources, I have recently read a book called "From Learning to Earning" by Dan Finnigan and Marc Karasu.  Not only did this book contain DOZENS of helpful resources for the job search process, it also helps you to understand the interview process.  The best part is that it was written by REAL people who have experienced all of the jitters and emotions that a new grads feel when spreading their wings.  I felt as if they were speaking directly to me- like they already knew how I felt and they made me feel COMPLETELY NORMAL and gave some perspective to the hiring process that I had never even thought of!  I wish this had been required reading for nursing school- rather than a teacher pointing to a smart board showing us all how to write a resume in that same ol' monotoned voice that we've all come to know and hate love ;) I really recommend this one ya'll! 

Finally, for those of you shy guys and gals who need help with their communication skills I would like to recommend a book called "Communication for Nurses: Talking with Patients" by Lisa Kennedy Sheldon.  This book really helps you understand patient perspectives and communication techniques for difficult situations.  As I always do, I MUST critique nursing programs and say that there ought to be an ENTIRE class on nursing communication- After all it is our MAIN job to communicated with patients, families, doctors, educational groups, and our nursing peers.  This book really has it all! 

I know, I know- now you're thinking "I am already about to graduate- I've already learned everything I needed to learn"..... REALITY CHECK: Nursing is a never ending learning and adapting process.  I hope this wasn't the first time you've heard that ;) Good luck to everyone on their FINALS!!!!! 

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