Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Finding my Nursing Niche

Finding Your Niche

People often ask me what area of nursing I plan on entering.  What a loaded question.  I’m not sure if I am the only one who doesn’t know quite where I belong in the world of nursing- but I have a few great interests.

I feel like it’s a challenge to figure out what area of nursing best suits me.  I am interested in pediatrics, oncology, NICU, labor and delivery, women’s health, psychiatry- the list is almost endless. 

How do you figure out where you want to spend your life’s career? I find myself looking through job openings saying “yeah! I like that one- no that one- wait! This one sounds awesome!” I realize that it is possible to change jobs- but I don’t want to be job hopping until I find whatever it is I am looking for in a career. 

Luckily, I have had time to really think it over while I have been healing from my surgery, but the time is quickly approaching where I must make a decision.  I had an idea to play my own little version of Russian roulette and hand out my resume to all of the jobs that I found interesting and chose whatever one(s) I get an interview for- I‘d like to name this strategy ‘job fishing’.  I am not sure if it is effective or even the best idea I’ve had, but it is what I am going with for now because I am so indecisive!

Do you know what area of nursing you plan on going into? If so, how did you come to that decision?  For those of you already employed, did you get the job you really wanted or did you settle for something else?


  1. I went through a lot of different areas before I became an organ transplant nurse. I didn't so much "job-fish" as "map-fished." I pointed my finger and landed in Indiana. You can read about that on my blog.

    1. I would love to! What is your blog called? Thanks for following mine :) I am glad that you didn't know right off the bat what you wanted to do with your nursing career! and I am really glad that you are happy in the field you are now in!

  2. Casey,
    I always known what I want to do when i graduate. I want to go into a field where it is super fast paced and always challenging (Trauma, ED, ICU, OR). Just rotating to those places during clinicals just set it in stone for me. :]

    1. Yes! I am so happy that you know what you want to do!!! That is so fantastic and it take a lot of compassion and brains to go into any of those fields! I think clinical is so beneficial for weeding out what you don't want and highlighting what you do want! Thanks for your comment!
