Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome everyone!!

WELCOME to my blog! 

I am so glad you stopped by.  I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and my blog. 

My name is Casey and I recently graduated from nursing school in Virginia.  For the past several years my life has been consumed by nursing school and all that entails, simply put, I had no life out side of my studies :) 

I have taken ACED my NCLEX and I am officially an RN!! I am very proud of my accomplishments (if you couldn't tell) and I am waiting to find a job in the nursing field.

WHAT?! Why am I waiting? I'm so glad you asked! I have had a series of unfortunate events happen since my graduation and I am weathering an unplanned storm until I get back on my feet! GO ME!

First things first- I did NOT plan on any of these things happening after my graduation, but I am miserable taking it with a grain of salt and learning from everything that has happened.  What has happened?  I've kept you in suspense for long enough- here it is: 

After graduation I took a Kaplan class to prepare for the NCLEX, so even after graduation I felt the pressure of studying STILL! I took the test and PASSED! I was in 7th Heaven and extremely proud of myself.  In an attempt to spread the joy I went to purchase my (at that time) fiancĂ© some concert tickets.  On my way to the venue my car was rear ended by a HUGE SUV! My car was demolished, and my body didn't come out so good either.  I was taken to the ER with the neck brace/backboard combo.  After the accident it was a while before I could function again- I had terrible whiplash and tears in my tendons along my spine.  All in all, if you saw my car, I was VERY lucky!

So now you're probably wondering why I am thankful for this event. Simple!  I now have the TERRIBLE first hand knowledge on what it is like to be the patient in an emergency situation.  It. Plain. Sucks!  I feel like this experience will help me be more empathetic to patients in the future.  The worst part of the accident was that it was 6 days prior to my bridal shower and 2 weeks before my wedding! 

After my wedding and honeymoon (some fun in the middle of some stinky situations!) I had to have surgery (WOMP WOMP!).  The recovery from the surgery has taken WAY longer than planned and I am coping with some excess pain.  And yet again, I am learning what it is like to be on the patients' end of the stethoscope rather than the nurses end!  

Ok- so that's my sob story.  While I am sitting here healing, I thought I would make use of my time!  Which brings me to the conclusion of this post but the introduction of my blog!  This blog will be reminiscent of nursing school and (hopefully) follow my journey to find employment my DREAM JOB!

I am hoping that by sharing my stories about nursing school, unemployment, and life in general, I will inspire someone to have the strength to finish nursing school or give seasoned nurses and my fellow nursing peers some laughs about the memories of nursing school and finding a job :) Join me on my journey to employment!! 

Chit chat... 

Now that you know me a little let me get to know you some.  Are you a nurse? Still in school? I'm listening :) 


  1. Hi! Just found the link to your blog through the Nursing Students Facebook page. I've applied to an ADN program and I'm taking the Nurse Aide state exam next week so I can work as a CNA in the meantime (the ADN program has a min. year-long wait). This is all a second career for me, as I'm almost 35. :) I'm also taking the co-requisite classes for the program while I'm waiting (A&P this semester!). Sounds like you've had a very interesting year. Hope you're feeling better. I look forward to reading your posts.

    1. Wow! It sounds like you really have your affairs in order. What was your first career and how are you handling the transition into nursing? It is such a great idea to start as a nursing assistant! I really wish I had done that- you really get to learn a lot about the nursing field AND on top of it all it looks awesome of your resume when you try to apply for a job as an RN. I am starting to feel a lot better- thank you for your well wishes! I am curious why the ADN program has a year long wait? Because of the fall start date? That is very frustrating. I hope you really love A&P! The nursing program will never stop making you review your A&P so it is very important to have a good foundation and understanding of this! Thank you for commenting on my blog- I hope you enjoy the future posts and that I can be of assistance to you in the future!

  2. Can't wait to hear more..........

    1. Great! I can't wait to write more! I'm hoping to have give aways soon. As long as I have enough readers then it will be a possibility! :) Thanks for your comment!
