Sunday, January 27, 2013

Study Strategies - NERDS

It's Nice to be a Nerd! 

All through out high school I was a laid back student- good grades just came my way and I never really had to apply myself. I was apart of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and I took a class called IB BIOLOGY....

It was with this class and the compassion of a really great teacher that I learned how to study and make the grades (and deserve them!) It was the very first time I ever had to study late into the night, read a textbook, take notes, draw diagrams, etc. I was working around the clock to make the grade for this ONE CLASS. 

This was the birth of me becoming a NERD :) 

I wasn't ashamed- I even started helping people in the class who were having a difficult time.  I was really lucky because I would not have been so prepared for my college classes at George Mason University as a freshman with out that class and that teacher.  

Some tricks of the trade I learned for years of studying that work for me I am happy to share with you and I hope they work for you as well!
  • Smells are a big part of memory- for example the smell of mint or cinnamon can help with your ability to store information.  While I study I burn mint smelling candles and drink herbal mint (or cinnamon) tea-  not only does it calm you and help you focus, it can help you remember! ( I didn't believe it when I learned this information either- because I'm sure you're scoffing at this idea- but give it a try before you dismiss it!)
  • I chew gum while I am studying and while I am taking tests- this helps me concentrate! I don't know why- Don't ask, it just does! 
  • I like highlighters, but there is such a thing as OVER highlighting- not everything is important in what you are reading.  I like to pretend that I am writing a nursing school test and work that way with my major studying points
  • I learned the Kaplan Decision Tree- even if you aren't sure of the answer to a test question this can help you eliminate answers that will seem like ridiculousness after you learn this technique!  (I remember during my NCLEX actually thinking "HA! Almost had me with that one!")
  • I create a study schedule... Yes, I am THAT anal.  This way it breaks down the material and I do not become overwhelmed with what seems like ENDLESS reading from textbooks! 
  • There are SO many resources available to you throughout the websites that you use which can create word searches, fill in the blanks, etc.  USE THEM!
  • Books such as "... Reviews and Rationales" have AWESOME test-like questions in them- you will see them again, after all they are NCLEX approved questions!!!! 
I remember thinking that certainly these test questions that they give us during nursing school are ridiculously hard- who can do great on these types of questions? But to be honest, they really prepare you well for the NCLEX!

Some things I've learned NOT to do while studying (just for laughs- Yes, its ok to lighten up!)

  • Do NOT attempt to study extra hard just to compete with your peers- they may need more study time than you, and Yes, you might just be THAT awesome! 
  • Do NOT sit in front of the television while you are attempting to study- I KNOW I KNOW, Grey's Anatomy makes you feel like a genius since you know what all of those medical terms mean now! But, that is technically NOT studying!
  • Do NOT let your cat help you! Turns out she knows NOTHING about cardiac tamponade! ;) 
  • Do NOT review your lab material about catheter insertions at a public library- the mean lady whose NOISY kid will report you to the librarian even though you were facing away from people and in complete seclusion- Brat! 

What is the best techniques you use for studying? I bet you aren't the only one- it helps others to try new things just in case their mode of studying doesn't seem to be working for them! Let's share! 

I am hoping that we will soon be able to do free give aways soon! As long as I get participation on this page it will remain a possibility!!! *Fingers Crossed*

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